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A hook for detecting network status of the user. This hook will return a boolean value indicating whether the user is online or not. The value will be automatically updated when the user's network status changes.

import { useIsOnline } from 'react-use-custom-hooks';

The hook works based on value of navigator.onLine property, so this hook returns true does not always mean the user connected to the internet, it can also just a connection to some network.

If the browser doesn't support navigator.onLine, the hook will return false/undefined.

Early versions of Chrome and Safari always reported "true" for navigator.onLine

Desktop Firefox responds to the status of its "Work Offline" mode. If not in that mode, navigator.onLine is always true, regardless of the actual network connectivity status. See firefox bug for details.

Usage example

const isOnline: boolean = useIsOnline();


Try disconnecting and then connecting your network and see the value changes.

Live Editor


export function useIsOnline(): Boolean;